Whirlwind - key stage 4 SEN projectMiro - SEN D&T projectTwo Seasons Sundial - community art projectSpirituality - key stage 4 SEN projectSpace Travel - key stage 3 engineering projectScience - key stage 3 science projectPipework - key stage 3 design & technology projectPipedream - key stage 4 GCSE art projectMetal Geometric - key stage 4 GCSE art projectKnots & Tangles - key stage 4 GCSE art projectFaith & Learning - key stage 4 business & enterprise projectAscension - key stage 3 SEN community art projectAncient Americas - key stage 4 history project

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Gallery 1

If you are interested in any of my works, please get in touch using the contacts page.                                                                                           © Philip Melling 2016